Digital artwork by Rebecca Conran
JULY ENERGY REPORT: Expressing our love of life
July is all about leading with love. In the first half of the month, Cancer season asks us to be a good mother to ourselves and to truly take up the art of caring for one another. The second half, Leo season, asks us to be committed to our inner child's joy and happiness by expressing our affection, creativity and authentic selves. There is room for all of us to have our needs met in love, and each of us has a unique creative gift to offer the world. With all of the pain and suffering we see being outpoured in the world, being a warrior of love is an act of radical rebellion, and ultimately a necessary antidote to the poison of the times.
JULY 1: Moon Conjunct Mars in Taurus
Emotions meet aggression today and could start the month off with explosive results. This transit has an awakening effect. We may have a hair pin trigger of ‘seeing red’ today. The goal of Taurus is to find peace, and it does so through simple pleasures. Keep it practical today. Stand your ground, express what needs to be expressed but ultimately don’t let anything sacrifice the calm of your inner sanctum. Nothing good can come through you abandoning your peace.
JULY 2: Mercury trine Neptune, Neptune stations Retrograde + Mercury enters Leo
As we exit our short travels through Mercury in Cancer we may have more mental fears than normal around our sense of security. Nurture yourself through the discomfort or call on the divine mother. Say what needs to be said to others to protect yourself and express your boundaries. Share what you are feeling, even if only to your journal. Feelings need to be let out.
Neptune is at the last degree of Pisces and stationing retrograde for an internal review. This ties us to the past, the way things have been done before - not just in our lifetimes but through our ancestral lineages and the genetic materials we inherited physically. We could feel trapped in old patterns, old stories that can sometimes make us feel like there's no way forward. The days around this transit can feel so confused, so foggy that we forget that we need to be patient with divine timing and rely on our connection to spirit to help us co-create what we need. Expect your dreams and the healing work you are doing while sleeping to become more active.Your intuition may be very strong, but as boundaries become blurred we are susceptible to burn out and overwhelm. You may have exciting new information about yourself and the world, but you also need to take the time to process the feelings that are coming up and find rest and recuperation.
Mercury in Leo has a core need to express itself to others, and we are encouraged here to speak from the heart. This is a wonderful time to ‘put yourself out there’ especially if it is related to public speaking, performance and creativity. This is a time to build up our confidence around communicating. Leo is a gregarious, fun and passionate place for us and there are opportunities here to really let ourselves shine in the mirror of others.
The shadow side to this placement is over dramatization of our internal perceptions. Are we making a mountain out of a molehill? Try to allow yourself more moments of pause before digging into the drama. Sometimes thoughtful confrontation is necessary in expressing boundaries. However, we must also learn to differentiate between what is our responsibility and what is someone else's. Are we projecting our inner experience outside of ourselves and looking to blame others when it’s us that needs to make some changes?
We would do well during this transit to consider the lessons that Mercury in Leo is learning to leave behind, like needing approval or yielding to peer pressure to belong. This is a time of great mental willpower and self motivation. Be proud of yourself for where you are, and how far you’ve come.
JULY 5: Mars sextile Saturn + New Moon Cancer
The Moon, at home in Cancer and beginning a new cycle. New Moons conjunct the Sun, this aligns our feelings with our collective identity. The best use of this day would be to go with the flow of your inner feelings and spend time mothering yourself. Do you pay attention to your natural rhythms or do you try to circumvent them with productivity? If we push too hard with our will power, we find at some point that life pushes back and it doesn’t feel too good. Saturn's influence today helps us to rein in our own behaviors and give ourselves healthy limitations where necessary.
This New Moon is a great time to take a ‘what will be will be’ approach. What is meant for you will be, what isn’t, won’t. Trust in the mystery of the unknown. Your job is to open yourself up to receive love. How do you block your own receptivity? Don’t let your intuition be stifled by being busy, numbing or avoiding yourself. Examine your habits with the compassionate eyes of the divine mother.
JULY 6: Venus square Chiron + Moon conjunct Venus in Cancer
The love we desire today may feel unattainable due to painful past experiences. We may find ourselves repeating the same old unconscious patterns, and we may feel emotionally stuck. I promise you dear ones, that while you have every right to be frustrated, you have not exploited all your possibilities for happiness, love, growth and abundance in this life. I know this because there are infinite possibilities. So what if we sometimes step back into a place that isn’t quite right for us. Shrug it off, laugh it off, move forward anyway. The universe never tires of giving us second chances.
JULY 7: Moon conjunct Mercury in Leo
Have you become a performer who plays for others but not for yourself? Then this transit may stimulate a need to be more honest with yourself and to leave the people pleasing and external validations behind. Be your own best cheerleader. You can be proud of yourself without it being haughty. When you are being authentically yourself it empowers everyone to do the same as you. Being yourself is an act of love. Lead by example.
JULY 11: Sun trine Saturn, Venus trine Neptune + Venus enters Leo
Venus is how we give and receive love, and also symbolizes our self worth. A Venus in Leo lover is a wonderful lover indeed in the romance and generosity department. This energy takes pride in exalting relationships and creating playful connections. Our inner child also gets to come out and be expressed in more lighthearted ways. There's a radiance and confidence with this energy that is necessary to have the courage to make connections with others, or with our own self worth. Today is a great day to make commitments, to rise above the pitfalls of the past, and to be affectionate with those you love. Laugh and play more and connect with your unique creative self expression. What did you love to do as a child? Bring those qualities back in full force.
JULY 15: Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus
The energy today is erratic, at best surprising, at worst shocking. As a collective we are being asked to overcome self importance so that we may unify as one consciousness. Of course, that is very difficult to do and so we will see people digging their heels in where flexibility is required, or closing down with self certainty where openness would do wonders. Expect the unexpected today, take care of your own nervous system, and be mindful of the nature of others who could be blowing their tops today in an effort to ward off necessary changes.
JULY 20: Mars sextile Neptune + Mars enters Gemini
The big shift today is Mars finally exiting his slow and steady transit through stubborn but hardworking Taurus and moving into quick thinking and curious Gemini. Before he does so, he has a harmonious connection with Neptune where the work of healing the ego and our ancestral inheritances can take place. Mars, the masculine archetype, our power and drive consciousness, is now being guided towards mental strength - using our glorious creative minds. Evolution (aka human growth) is about bringing more intellect and empathy into our lives. We can honor both science and spirituality. We can achieve much as a warrior with words as much as brute strength. We have to actively work to not get too distracted with this curious energy, but this is a great time to put some elbow grease into learning something new.
JULY 21: Mercury square Uranus + Full Moon Capricorn
Expect some mental epiphanies today. With the Sun (our collective identity) in Cancer, and this second Full Moon (the collective feminine) in a row in its opposite sign of Capricorn, we are experiencing a tug of war between these two energies. These two archetypes have different approaches but similar goals. They both are family oriented and exceptionally hard working, they are both leadership signs. The Capricorn approach is through the physical or material world however and the Cancer approach is through our intuitions and feelings. While Cancer has a focus on nurturing, Capricorn has a focus on providing, the priorities for capricorns are career and financial security while for cancer it’s emotional security.
The questions we might ask during this time are where do we act from selfish or ego driven motivations? Where are we behaving in an unemotional manner, and is that something we need to check in with? Are we putting financial and material goals in place above our intimate connections with others or emotional needs? In its highest expression Cancer nurtures by leading by example, being a loving and wise mother to oneself, and honoring emotions and creativity. Capricorn in its highest expression seeks to build the spiritual into reality, creating into material forms ways to use the divine essence of unconditional love and compassion that serve humanity.
This is the time to align our longings and sense of purpose with our actions. Use this energy to create more practical structure in your life, take time in solitude to honor your emotional nature and be the authority over your own life.
JULY 22: Sun trine Neptune, Mars trine Pluto, Sun enters Leo
Leo Season begins today, but before it does we may feel some control issues coming to a head along with righteous anger surfacing. Your sex drive might be at an all time high! Try to find healthy outlets for this energy like physical movement.
The Sun just loves to be in Leo, so this is really a time for the collective identity to shine. The Sun is the giver of life, it’s the center of our universe, and all of life in this solar system relies on the Sun to survive. This is the planet of self and ego. Being in Leo can show us how to really express our light, or it can amplify the ego’s insatiable appetite for self aggrandizement. Our personalities are an amalgamation of both our unconscious and conscious drives, we must work with our personalities to find those unconscious places that block us from shining our love into the world. The self needs connection with the universe to truly radiate. How do you connect with spirit in your life? When do you feel truly connected? Are there practices, behaviors or even people who help to connect you to your divine essence? It’s more important than ever to make these connections to spirit at this time.
This is a time for play, for self expression. This is a time for socializing. Creativity and performance is highlighted here. Our inner children need to have fun and experience affection. This is a time to focus on our physical vitality and to gather confidence from utilizing our gifts.
As the Sun leaves Cancer, take a moment to show gratitude for the divine mother. Perhaps she came through in compassion or nurturing. Perhaps she came through in creativity, a period of rest or perhaps through floods of tears. Be grateful for all of these feminine expressions because they are the marks of truly living.
JULY 25: Mercury enters Virgo
The good news is that Mercury is at home in Virgo, and this sign is very helpful when we need to ‘work things out’ logically. If you’ve been feeling the mental dramatic gymnastics full on during Leo season, this earthy, diplomatic and humble shift will feel cooling to your senses. Virgo is a very detail oriented and realistic sign that helps us to temper our extremes and focus on the practical tasks ahead. Virgo helps us with our duties, like properly taking care of our health and bodies. Virgo has the ability to generate useful and helpful ideas. This is great energy for managing your finances, setting small goals and mentally cleaning the house. This energy enters its shadow when it becomes perfectionist, negative and far too skeptical. Personally, I believe in being a skeptic! I don’t think it’s all bad. My faith in myself and spirituality was born from its roots in skepticism, but at some point we also need to be aware of the subtle lines of closed mindedness. Being prepared to change your mind, your beliefs and how you are perceiving your experience is important as well as tempering extremes in criticism when you feel let down or like you have let yourself down. Everyone is doing their best from their level of perception - including you!
JULY 26: Sun sextile Mars, Chiron stations Retrograde
Chiron in Aries is the collective wound around our identity. Who am I? Why am I here? Many are in the middle of changes to how they activate and share their true gifts in the world. The wound that we care for internally becomes the light that we share with the collective - it’s our gift to give. Our wounding is something that needs to be acknowledged, accepted and integrated. You will not eradicate your pain by ‘letting go’ of your wounds, the truth is that our wounds are elements to us that we don’t just kick aside. We learn to notice, to care for deeply and to unconditionally love those parts of us that we consider wounded - we don’t stop being who we are with the experiences we have had, and this is how we heal. There is a push and a pull on this day around where we are heading and where we have been. We could feel torn. It could be hard to let go of the identities we have carried for a long time, whatever identity we have given our trauma and painful experiences needs to be changed. It’s not that we need to try to cut out our traumas or put a positive spin on them, but rather we need to learn to see ourselves and our pain with deep compassion and understanding. We need to accept ourselves, the good, the bad and the very very ugly parts all need our loving eyes.
This month be sure to listen to your internal NO. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Also, in considering boundaries, be conscious of how you exchange energy with others, without exchange it’s just depletion and greed. Finally, Your purpose in life is to be YOU. Not a rich version, or a version with a perfect body, or someone who is married with children. Just whoever you are in your perfection right this very moment. Just being you, is living in your purpose.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report looks at the collective themes or “mundane astrology” that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you.
REBECCA CONRAN CHHC is a Life Coach, Astrologer & Energy Healing Practitioner known for her practical approach to mysticism