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Two retrogrades and Aries galore this month!
Tune in for all the astrological insights from Holistic Life Coach, Astrologer and Energy Healer, Rebecca Conran.

Do you feel lucky? Well you might after Jupiter and Mars turn direct this month!
Tune in for all the astrological insights from Holistic Life Coach, Astrologer and Energy Healer, Rebecca Conran.

Hello 2025! The aquarian energies are heavy this month, calling for our radical freedom and embodiment of change. Tune in for a roundup of January's astrological highpoint's.
For my more in-depth weekly energy reports, energy attunements and more please join my new subscription.

Sagittarius Season: Dec 16-22, 2024
Back from my short break, this week we discuss the New Moon in Sagittarius as well as the big shifts regarding Mars retrograde, Venus entry into Aquarius, and Neptune stationing direct... not to mention Mercury is still retrograde in Sagittarius... Tune in for all the insights from me—astrologer, energy healer, and life coach Rebecca Conran.

Sagittarius Season: Dec 9-15, 2024
Back from my short break, this week we discuss the New Moon in Sagittarius as well as the big shifts regarding Mars retrograde, Venus entry into Aquarius, and Neptune stationing direct... not to mention Mercury is still retrograde in Sagittarius... Tune in for all the insights from me—astrologer, energy healer, and life coach Rebecca Conran.

Sagittarius Season: Dec 1-8, 2024
Back from my short break, this week we discuss the New Moon in Sagittarius as well as the big shifts regarding Mars retrograde, Venus entry into Aquarius, and Neptune stationing direct... not to mention Mercury is still retrograde in Sagittarius... Tune in for all the insights from me—astrologer, energy healer, and life coach Rebecca Conran.

ENERGY REPORT: NOV 11-30, 2024
This will be the last podcast until Nov 30th as I take a short break. Through the end of the month we have many huge transits, Venus enters Capricorn, Pluto enters Aquarius, Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius...tune in for all the insights from me - astrologer, energy healer and life coach Rebecca Conran.

This week Mars enters Leo, and emotions run high as Pluto in Capricorn at the final degree conjuncts the Moon one last time... Tune in for all the insights from me, astrologer, energy healer, and life coach Rebecca Conran.

SCORPIO SEASON: New Moon Scorpio + US Election
The regular Energy Report was waylaid by my having a cold this week! However, in this episiode I get into the energy of the New Moon Scorpio this weekend in connection with the US election. Mercury also enters Sagittarius...tune in for all the insights from me - astrologer, energy healer and life coach Rebecca Conran.

SCORPIO SEASON: Oct 21-27, 2024
This week gets even more plutonic with the Suns entry into Scorpio, spooky season officially begins...tune in for all the insights from me - astrologer and life coach Rebecca Conran.

LIBRA SEASON: Oct 14-20, 2024
Big energies this week as Jupiter transitions into retrograde, and Pluto transitions out! Mercury also enters Scorpio...tune in for all the insights from me - astrologer and life coach Rebecca Conran.

LIBRA SEASON: Oct 7-13, 2024
Big energies this week as Jupiter transitions into retrograde, and Pluto transitions out! Mercury also enters Scorpio...tune in for all the insights from me - astrologer and life coach Rebecca Conran.

LIBRA SEASON: Sept 30-Oct 6, 2024
This week a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra pushes us to new beginnings with a punch!