Digital artwork by Rebecca Conran


This month, as both Jupiter and Mars turn direct, it will feel as though our hope is returning to us! By the end of the month, it will get easier to make life happen; your energy levels will increase, and you may feel that the luck of the universe is back on your side. What precipitates this, however, is the inner transformation we are willing to have. Feeling abundant, being in our appreciation, knowing our worth—these are all qualities that help to magnetize us to energy fields of similar experiences. If we are feeling the opposite of abundant internally, then the call to action is to convene with the inner child and work from the inside out. 

The universe doesn’t work in reward and punishment, only like attracting like. It can be a tough pill to swallow to recognize our own responsibility in creating our lives; it can feel frustrating and unfair to have the ball placed back in your own court when we are in a pointed moment of transformation and healing. As was told to me, and as I’ve shared many times before—don’t quit before your miracle! 


ENERGY REPORT SUBSCRIPTION: £10 / $13 per month. Weekly audio recording subscription service. No long-term commitment for this subscription; cancel anytime. Recordings are 20-40 min long.  What the reports touch on:

  • Evolutionary Astrology Energy Report: a breakdown of the transits for the week and their meaning for our collective and personal consciousness.

  • Holistic guidance & spiritual advice for self-care, tips, and tools to connect more deeply with your own practice, including weekly tarot & mudra. 


ENERGY ATTUNEMENT SUBSCRIPTION: £60 / $75 per month. Elevate your energy and tune into your spiritual practice weekly. Weekly audio recordings & clearing rituals every 2 weeks, so begin at any time. This service has limited capacity. What you’ll receive:

  • Access to all weekly Energy Report audio recordings (including all past recordings)

  • Full Moon Ritual: Audio class including energy clearing meditation and creative writing practice to help you ground and create. Restore your connection with your internal guidance through personal ritual. Practice in your own time. 

  • New Moon Energy Attunement: On the New Moon, experience powerful remote energy attunements facilitated by myself. Audio recording in advance to help you set intentions for the clearing. Next attunement is Sunday, Feb 26th



No matter our age or experience, we’ve each had to rededicate ourselves to being spiritual student during Jupiter's retrograde. Most importantly, Jupiter in Gemini has been a time to cultivate better communication. Communication can create an incredible union between souls, and more than ever, our world needs this. Harnessing the incredible creativity we each possess also requires clear communication with the universe itself. How and when do you make time for these important spiritual conversations? Jupiter’s entire stay in Gemini is an opportunity for us to grow mentally, to become masters of our minds, and to realign our thoughts and speech with our spiritual purpose. When we do this, our luck comes in, and it may very well start to as Jupiter turns direct. 


Love becomes more passionate, ardent, sexual, thrilling, and fertile in Aries. This energy can boost our confidence, helping us to be more direct and assertive in romantic endeavors. Now is the time to become centered in yourself. Relationships that are interdependent will thrive. During this transit, we are more spontaneous and adventurous. Working with the energy in an unhealthy way could look like addiction to the ‘chase,’ quick attractions that become all-consuming, and focusing on desires without considering what you are engaging in. Even though it takes discipline to pull yourself back from overindulgence, it is often wise to do so.

This is a great time for creative and aesthetic changes too; if there's a purchase you’ve been considering for a while, now is a good time to go for it (get that haircut, buy the thing). Above all, make time for fun. Playtime is a necessity for feeling loved and lovable during this transit. 


When the Moon is in Leo, we have access to more generosity, enthusiasm, and confidence. This is a fantastic energy to own your "I AM __ HEAR ME ROAR" energy. The dark side of this is ego aggrandizement, selfishness, and a pride that comes before a fall. We could experience this energy as making mountains out of molehills; we will want to temper our inner drama queen. This being a lunar eclipse means much will be blown out of proportion, and the tension of not feeling seen and heard will rise to the top.

Let intense energies pass before making final decisions at this time. It’s good for our values and belief systems to be challenged, but don’t see those challenges as the end of the world. Can you look for win-win solutions? Can you see all sides of the issue? Can you place yourself in the shoes of someone who is pissing you off? Remember that absolutely everyone is having a hell of a time; what other people are going through is not about you, so try not to take the behaviors of others too personally at this time. 


Our logic, comprehension skills, and communication move into a placement that gives a voice to our dreams and imagination. With this placement, there is a softness, a sweetness; we want to express those qualities in our words. There is also a vagueness here, and having those harder conversations can be difficult now. 

Pisces energy can feel foggy. There is a sense of oneness, but sometimes that can lead to improper boundaries. Be aware of what is taking up your mental space during this transit. 

It takes effort with this placement to be practical and pragmatic, but will be necessary to focus on reality. Avoid escapism, as it can lead to further confusion, pessimism, and a lack of trust in oneself. Pay attention to your dreams as rich symbolic landscapes for your subconscious experience. Your dreams can tell you a lot about where you truly are. Expect to receive a lot of intuitive information through this transit; your compassion has the ability to deepen now; let yourself be moved. 


Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and as such, it carries a little bit of energy from all the other signs. It also marks the end of the energy year, before we spring forward with the ignition of Aries and birth whatever babies have been gestating. The Sun represents how we express ourselves; collectively, we feel more vulnerable, and we appreciate the vulnerability in others under this transit. As we feel more sensitive, we can be more prone to addictions as we try to escape painful realities rather than facing them head-on. The biggest advice for Pisces season is to be aware of your own energy and not take on the problems of others via over-empathizing. As we’ve become accustomed to the last few months (hopefully), boundaries are key. 

Take the time to honor the last year of your life; since mid-March 2024, life as we know it has really changed. What did we learn? How will we use our new knowledge to live from a place of love? Today is a day to slow down and feel how our emotions and emotional state motivate our actions and reactions. Pisces season is an invitation to understand, to feel, to see ourselves in oneness, and above all, to offer up our compassion rather than our judgment. 


The degree that Mars turns direct on is an interesting one because it’s actually Pluto’s founding degree. Pluto, the ego destroyer, is also the higher expression of Mars. This transformational point in time is full of karma—ancestral, collective, and personal. Karma is the learning of something we previously did not know. Cash in your good karma, and with Jupiter direct, you may see surprise windfalls coming your way. What we have sown, we shall reap. If we need to own up to our responsibilities, it’s possible around this transit we could experience the shadow side—serious self-doubt, pessimism, shame, and guilt. Now is the time to become detached from that which doesn’t serve us. Be uncompromising in your spiritual identity. 


Rounding out February is a loving New Moon to bring us back to our most innocent, creative, and compassionate natures. We are ready to move past the density of the histories we have inherited. Refuse to be held prisoner by doubt and insecurity. A magnificent force within us is being released, a power that overthrows all our bullshit and reveals our true nature—we humans can be a force of beauty if we are willing to recognize ourselves as such. Our compassion, especially for ourselves, will lead us towards happiness. 


Work with me directly this month as I guide participants in grounding and setting intentions in alignment with astrological energies, as well as clearing each client energetically. Cost: £75 / $95. 

  • SUN, FEB 9, 2025, 4 PM GMT (11 AM EST, 8 AM PST) - 90 min (Full Moon Leo)

I look forward to connecting personally with those who feel called to my classes and subscriptions this month! Wishing you all many blessings. 

Love, Rebecca


